One turns into an instant celebrity when he / she brings a dog into their homes. I remember the first day after bringing Buster (my cute Pug) home, when I returned from work. He was so delirious with excitement and joy he truly did not know what to do! He was running all round and in circles, shouting and yelping in joy with frequent kisses to my cheeks! It was amazing! This continues to this day!!
Couple of days back, I noticed a very usual gesture and I realized that I should write on these little cute things our dogs do that just makes us go weak in our knees and melt in love. These day's Buster comes to office with me. I get this hunch that he thinks likewise about me accompanying him! Anyways, toward the end of day he sits in my office and as I wrap up for the day he just seems to sit disinterested in the immediate surroundings, occupied in his own thoughts...I guess of saving the world and other significant ideas. The moment I am done he immediately gets up in excited anticipation of the drive back home. It could be the end of a call or shutting down the laptop, I just don't know...but every day he KNOWS even before I actually get to leave!
And the look on his face!!! :) :) Its almost like he's saying, "A'rite! So let's get goin'"!!As I thought about this I recall many similar gestures and events with my pooch.
- Buster is blissfully unaware that he is a pug and he may be talking to 'bigger' dogs like German Shepherds and Labs, especially when we are at Petspace. Somehow he has picked up that we or rather 'he' owns the place and has undertaken the responsibility of keeping the dogs in line, ensuring that they wait for their turn to eat, to be petted etc. Of course, the turn is a simple rule "after him" :)
- He can eat! Yes! Ask even the Lab owners and they will tell you this. He can eat. It doesn’t matter if he just finished his 'lunch'. You offer him and he shall take it as if he was never fed for days! These guys are the cutest foodies in town. He even knows his dinner time and will scratch on the door till his dinner is served. And yes...he is one dog who only drinks water from a cup just like humans without spilling!!
- He loves to trouble Misty, my Cat. She is a princess who sits in all majesty....until Buster gets bored with the usual games. Then he is on to her and would trouble her unless she climbs on to a higher ground (read table tops or shelves!). There is a reason why God didn't give dogs the ability to climb like cats...
- Now a days he has become such a lazy pug (what with the rains), he is all tucked in his bed and he is so lazy to get up and welcome people that he just lies there wagging his tail or making cute noises.